Today, Oct 14, 2014, I received an e-mail message from NiviCredit that says, in part:
il fatto che le Prefetture lavorano autonomamente e non informano i Comandi di
Polizia e in conseguenza noi che è stato presentato il ricorso, le pratiche
rimangono aperte e seguono l’iter delle nuove richieste di pagamento da parte
della Polizia o da parte della Agenzia di recupero
chiediamo di inviarci la copia del Suo ricorso al Prefetto e la copia della
ricevuta di ritorno nel modo che possiamo bloccare la pratica nel modo da
evitare eventuali richieste di pagamento nei Suoi
Aside from the problematic phrase "noi che è stato presentato il ricorso" which has some sort of error (perhaps "poichè" was meant, and not "noi che"), the crucial part of the message is the second paragraph: they want a copy of my appeal to the Prefetto (I had already sent it to them), and proof of the return receipt so that they can "block the case so as to avoid further requests for payment." Now, that's encouraging.
Let's see what happens next.
Meanwhile I'd like to find out something about the "public official" (agent) who cited me. His name is
Maurizio Francescangeli, badge #11037.
I enclosed "public official" in quotes because, according to Italian law, "public officials" are assumed to be telling the truth (so his ticket tells no lie, but the absolute truth), and, in case of appeals, it is the responsibility of the accused to demonstrate their INNOCENCE.
I'd like to pursue this too.
Especially because Italy is so notoriously corrupt in its government and its law enforcement, it is particularly discouraging to discover that whatever the "public official" accuses you of, it is your responsibility to demonstrate your innocence. Clearly, in most cases, there is nothing you can do, but swallow and pay up. OR fight back.
Help me. Thank you.
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